My name is Tyler and I am fairly new to blogging. I am completely starting from scratch and learning along the way. My goal is to have a fully functional and interesting blog (I hope) by the end of September.Another goal of mine and the focus of my blog is to train and give tips to guys about how to dress in a variety of different ways. This may include different styles or if you have a date, meeting, interview, just want to lounge, or the occassional outing. I buy multiple magazines a week and read alot of articles, though I am not a genius on fashion ( really who is???) I hope to give just some simple cost efficient ideas to make you look better (Everyone needs help!). What I ask from YOU is HELPPPPP!!!!!! If you have suggestions about the design of the blog, or you have a complaint about a certain style please email me and I will incorporate it into the blog. :) This is a work in progress and I am excited to learn and grow from this expierence sooooooo by all means LETS'S GET STARTED!!!! You can also Follow me on TWITTER(which is on the side.) or email me @ tyleraustin1989@gmail.com
I have a question, what is your thought on blazers, where to get to a good price on them, where to find ones that actually fit.. and anything else you could possible know?
Tyler I love this! And I COMPLETELY agree! I think it is definitely important to look around, "creep" on your friends and favorite designers to inspire the perfect look for you!